
Operational programme: Intelligent Development Operational Programme

Activity: POIR.03.04.00. Working capital grants

Project title: Subsidy for working capital for WADIM PLAST SP. Z O.O.

Funding Objective: To assist medium-sized businesses facing economic hardship due to the disruption of the economy as a result of Pandemic COVID-19

Total eligible amount of the project: 232 329,75 zł

Grant Value: 232 329,75 zł

The project: “Przygotowanie do wdrożenia klinicznego polskich pediatrycznych protez serca” (Preparation for clinical implementation of Polish pediatric heart prostheses) is financed by the National Center for Research and Development.

Total value of the project: 7 886 300, 30 zł
Co-financing of the project from the NCBR: 6 706 431,30 zł

The project is implemented by a consortium composed of:

Consortium leader: Fundacja Rozwoju Kardiochirurgii im prof. Zbigniewa Religi, Zabrze

Consortium members:

Śląskie Centrum Chorób Serca
WADIM PLAST Sp. z o.o.
EMTEL Śliwa Sp. k.

Agreement No: POIR.04.01.02-00-0073 / 17-00
Implementation period: 01/09/2019 – 31/08/2022

The project: AM-Crash – Additive Manufacturing Technologies for Crash loaded structural Components is financed by the National Center for Research and Development, M-ERA.NET Call 2018.

Total value of the project : 2 014 000,00 EUR
Co-financing of the project : 1 185 350,00 EUR

Polish side:

The project costs: 2 148 069,00 zł
The value of NCBiR co-financing: 1 826 911,63 zł

The project is implemented by a consortium composed of:

International consortium leader: Chemnitz University of Technology
Polish consortium leader: Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Consortium members:

WADIM PLAST Sp. z o.o.
EDAG Engineering GmbH
Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH
Simufact Engineering GmbH

Agreement No : M-ERA.NET2/2018/1/2019
Implementation period : 01/07/2019 – 31/05/2022